I was almost afraid to do it, because I knew it would make me upset. But with as much idiotic conspiracy-mongering in the mainstream as there is--Pat Robertson's burblings about Haiti's deal with the devil (maybe Aricept would help?), Rush Limbaugh's insinuation that Obama is exploiting the catastrophe to burnish his creds with, in Limbaugh's own words, "the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country" (a salutary reminder from the talk show king that light skinned blacks are no less black than their darker-skinned brethren)--I thought I should find out what's bubbling beneath the surface. So I typed the words "Haiti" and "Conspiracy" into Google and watched to see what came up.From the Ahrcanum blog (click here for full post):

Is it amazing that the DR had no damage, or by intention?What was HAARP up to on January 12, 1010? The official HAARP facility is located in Gakuna, Alaska. The conspiracy theory claims that HAARP could be used as directed-energy weapon, weather control, an earthquake induction device and/or for mind control. http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/cam1.html HAARPHAARP is an “Ionospheric Heater” which is basically an array of antennas that can send a concentrated beam of RF energy into the ionosphere. It’s located in Alaska because areas near the magnetic poles have a lot of ionospheric activity. It’s not the only facility of its kind. EISCAT in Europe is a similar facility and a similar facility, Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility, is located in Russia. via http://phoenixaquua.blogspot.com/2009/12/haarp.htmlIonospheric Heating refers to artificially heating the Ionosphere, which is the upper most part of the atmosphere. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves are used to literally boil the upper atmosphere. This lifts and changes the shape of the atmospheric gas clouds and can be used (theoretically) to control the weather. http://www.nerdmodo.com/2009/07/ionospheric-heating-and-weather-control/

Ahrcanum's tone is fairly agnostic, all things considered (he admits that earthquakes do occur naturally in the Caribbean Basin), but check out this comment from one of his readers:

Up here in edmonton, alberta, canada (home of the Edmonton Oilers, (if your a hockey fan) the clouds have been quite freakish, (Jan 12-14) and their all looking like waves going in the south east direction today like this> ))))))). I took lots of pics of the weird clouds, (If you want pics make arrangement and I’ll send them) which seem in my unprofession opinion affected by ionization or electricity. I’m 42 years old I don’t remember these kind of clouds until the last year . THEY ARE SOMTIMES VERY PROMINENT. Whether HAARP did earthquake or not I don’t know, BUT SOMETHING is going on and they are using the Ionishere as a Weapon, IF YOU CANT PROVE IT, IT MAKES A GREAT WEAPON<.. DOES IT LEAVE A TRAIL IN THE CLOUDS? Jan 13 the satalite immage of clouds over edmonton were NEE with a bit of a south swirl, But the ))))) waves in my pics look like their heading south east HMMMM Interesting. If I darw a line froM Alaska HAARP to Haiti It seems to cut though edmonton. I DONT KNOW IF HAARP WORKS LIKE THAT, IM JUST THROWIN IT OUT THEREp.s. I want the old random fluffy clouds back please!

and this one...

Did you notice how the US media is all over Haiti, as if Haiti is now a part of the USA ? When the big eathquake happened in Italy, the US didn’t show this grand interest. Other earthquakes didn’t interst the US this much either. And now, even the US army is there, allegedly distributing water, food, end medicine. Since when is that kind of help the army’s job ?? Looks like an occupation to me ! Have you noticed that some “Haitians” wear neat, clean, fresh T-shirts with writings like “America”, “Samsung”, etc, already providing pro-US propaganda ? They may be sort of implants, maybe handed to some locals randomly, to get the propaganda machine going for international corporations. Diana Sawyer, Roberts, and Dr. Besser are there for days now, reporting non-stop, recruiting Americans into thinking that Haiti is “special” to the USA. “Special” it is indeed, as Haiti is going to be the next US colony. Remember, how a US coup ousted their president just some years ago ? The US has very special interests in that region. Economically, politically, and militarily.HAARP is capable of initiating anything, from earthquakes to rain, to draught.Nowadays, some countries will be “taken” by HAARP, not bombs. All a part of the New World Order conspiracy.

And here's this, from "Pair A Normal Guys Inc," posted on Now Public.com (click here).

While the loss of life and devestation in Haiti is unimaginable there may be a more hidden agenda behind this tragedy. Suppose this "natural disaster" been a weather weopan aimed at Cuba but came up short in it's delivery? The possibility of this being true is not far fetched or out-of-this-world in theory. Weather manipulation and weather warfare are not new concepts and certainly could be the choice of the powers that be to devastate an enemy with a cloak of Mother Nature's disguise to fall back on. The fact that there was a seemingly unnoticable quake in California recently or a possible test fire and add the cold snap across the Atlantic ocean from the USA to Europe and then the Haitian quake the largest ever recorded in the region seems a little suspicious to me. The secrets of our world and the secret weopans that are harboured within our world are something we need to expose, if this was infact a targeted weather weopan at Cuba the question then remains who sent it and who's next?

I like the idea that the New World Order is so powerful that it can cause the earth to tremble, but so inept that 1) It needs to resort to science fiction weaponry and disinformation disseminated via T-shirts to secure as militarily weak a country as Haiti, and 2) That even though it hurls thunderbolts like Zeus, it has the eyesight of Mr. Magoo--it can't distinguish one Caribbean island from another.As Ahrcanum explained, HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a military-funded scientific research project whose principle facilities are located in Gakona, Alaska (I don't get cable, but I understand that Jesse Ventura visited the site on his TV show). According to its home page (click here), it is:

A scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of:* The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.* A sophisticated suite of scientific (or diagnostic) instruments that will be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun.Scientific instruments installed at the HAARP Observatory will be useful for a variety of continuing research efforts which do not involve the use of the IRI but are strictly passive. Among these studies include ionospheric characterization using satellite beacons, telescopic observation of the fine structure in the aurora, and documentation of long-term variations in the ozone layer.

They would say that, wouldn't they? If you're not a sheeple and you want to dig deeper, author and lecturer Jerry E. Smith's 1998 book WEATHER WARFARE: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature (click here for author's web page) offers a dramatically different perspective.

Starting with Nicola Tesla's earthquake machine of the 1890s I trace the possibility of "earthquakes on demand" from the development of a "tsunami bomb" during World War II (as revealed by documents recently declassified by the New Zealand government), through Project Faultless which caused a massive earthquake in the Nevada desert after a high yield atom bomb was intentionally detonated on a fault line, to evidences of human initiation of several major quakes and the 2004 Christmas tsunami with "scalar" or other electromagnetic waves.Also included is an update on recent developments at HAARP. I analyze what they are willing to admit to having done with it and where the program may go in the future. The US Air Force insists that it has no interest in "controlling the weather" yet HAARP represents the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars and a decade of research and construction in a program whose avowed purpose is to modify the atmosphere. What, if any, is the difference between "modifying the atmosphere" and "controlling the weather"?

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” It's an ability that no explorer of the outer fringes of conspiracy theory can live without. One conspiracist will tell you that anthropogenic global warming is a fraud, a propaganda ploy manufactured by Al Gore and a consortium of disingenuous scientists to undermine capitalism and bring about the New World Order. Then another will tell you that the New World Order's scientists are already modifying the weather on a daily basis and even setting off earthquakes, not to mention streaming H1N1 across the sky in chemtrails, targeting weaker populations for extermination (and poisoning the rest of us with fake vaccines). They'll tell you that the Apollo moon landing was faked on a sound stage in Area 51--and also that Area 51 is where UFOs are being reversed engineered into super-secret weapons and spacecraft. It can all get a little bit confusing.




"A Terrible Accident"