more Itanimulli

To tell you the truth, I get a little depressed when I see how many people come to this blog because of "Itanimulli" (click here and here for my previous postings on this not-so-mysterious mystery).Yes, Itanimulli is Illuminati spelled backwards. And yes, will take you to the National Security Agency. And no, this doesn't prove that the Illuminati exists or is any way affiliated with the NSA.But what happens if you type ycnega ytiruces lanoitan (National Security Agency spelled backwards) into Google? It takes you here.That's right: to a mirror of Google's "globalization" page. If that's not spine tingling, I don't know what is.Google Mirror, for anyone who hasn't leaped to conspiratorial conclusions, is a sideline of a geeky humor website called which seems to have come into existence around 2003. It looks like it was abandoned about a year ago.If you enjoyed this post, please go to my Facebook page and "like" it (there is a button on the top right hand side of this page). You can also subscribe and/or follow me on Twitter.


Old wine in old bottles


David Ray Griffin on "Conspiracy Theory"