In Mala Fide has their say
So here's In Mala Fide's take on me, Mens Rights, and the SPLC. Ferdinand Bardamu wheels out some of his biggest rhetorical guns, calling me "Snerdling." Ouch.What I find most enlightening is the comments. These guys seem to believe that the SPLC, feminism, and the likes of me add up to Leviathan--that if we wanted, we could command our minions in the government to round them all up, that they criticize us at their peril. Then Matt Parrott of Hoosier Nation fame pops up to attest to my high sartorial standards and work ethic (we sat next to each other at a white nationalist conference that I covered for the SPLC last year), opening up the door to a chorus of Jew-baiting. Creepy Jew. Goldwag – what an incredibly appropriate name for a Goldstein that wags his finger at everyone. What are the odds that you'd find MRAs, a white nationalist, and anti-Semites in the same comment string?And these are the guys who take such umbrage at being called haters. Why don't they just own it?If you enjoyed this post, please go to my Facebook page and "like" it (there is a button that will take you there on the top right hand side of this page). You can also follow me on Twitter. Itanimulli