The Second Debate
McCain's presidential chances cratered four years ago when he said "the fundamentals of our economy are sound." Even setting the last debate aside, what depresses me about Obama is that he has been telling us essentially the same thing. The Republicans say it too, but they really mean it: they are the party of the rich, after all. But if the Democrats can't even acknowledge the income inequality that is tearing us apart, never mind address it in a concrete and concerted way, then how much passion can one muster for them?I have been reading articles this morning about how it's not too late for Obama to undo the damage he did at the last debate if he is feistier and more aggressive, and of course that is true. The Republicans want to turn the clock back on virtually every issue that matters--Obama has to make that clear to the people who stand to lose the most (who have already lost the most). He needs to put the racists, Nativists, homophobes, misogynists, jingoists, obscurantists, climate change denialists, and Theocrats in their places; he needs to make us believe that he is the candidate who won't embroil us in another ground war in the Middle East.But what he really needs to show us tonight is that universal healthcare is just the beginning--that he is as determined to undo the legacy of Reaganism as Romney is to undo FDR's.I so hope he does.