Trayvon Martin
Everyone else has already commented on the George Zimmerman verdict. Even as a so-called "hate expert," I'm not sure what I have to add, but I will say this: if you really want to see the elephant in the room, you have to read the comments after the stories, as distasteful as they are. Like this one, which I just cut and pasted from the Huffington Post. Its unfinished last paragraph reads almost like something from the Onion.
What I can't seem to understand is that Sharpton, the President, and other black leaders are up in arms about Zimmerman going free. We live in America where a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That is why we have our men and women risking their lives every day in Afghanistan and other foreign countries. Te enemies of the US do not care about the color of the American they kill, they just want to kill them.I see nowhere that Sharpton and Obama are extending their condolences to the family of the man and woman that was slaughtered in their small jewelry store in North Atlanta by 3 black kids. Nor do i see the NAACP and all the celebrities taking sides with the white families that are the subjected to the senseless killings by the blacks. The fact of the matter is that blacks are involved in more murders and robberies than whites.The cry is that the blacks do not have the same opportunities as whites in the social service programs. That theory is BULL- - - T. The blacks are given preferential treatment in all facets of every social service program in the United States.Let's be fair. Some of my closest friends are black. They go to work everyday, struggle to pay their bills, educate their children, and try to have a better life for their families. The color of their skin has nothing to do with their desire for a better
Trolls articulate a lot of the things that don't get said in polite society, and to a significant slice of American society, the story of race in the United States is one of the endless victimization of white people. White workers have been shoved aside by cheap immigrant labor or the undeserving recipients of affirmative action. Whites are routinely robbed, assaulted, and murdered by black youth. And political correctness has put a gag on any white person who has the temerity to complain about the raw deal they're getting.No one really mourns the Trayvon Martins of the world, this line of thinking continues, it's just a pose. To a professional hypocrite like Al Sharpton, he's a club to use against long-suffering whites. Martin's cracker-hating family is out for publicity and vengeance. Our Marxist Kenyan president is looking for another excuse to redistribute white wealth in the name of reparations (or as George Zimmerman's father, the retired judge, put it in his e-book, he is "shamelessly" exploiting the case to "to obtain great advantage in the African American community"). Besides, the triumphant kicker goes, race had nothing to do with it--Zimmerman is part Hispanic.Stand Your Ground and a lot of other NRA extremism reflects this sense of white disempowerment, impotence, and resentment. Trayvon Martin might have been a 17-year-old with a bag of Skittles, but he was also "a gun wielding dope smoking delinquent into street fighting," as this headline at The Truth About Guns put it; to prove that Zimmerman was innocent, all that was needed was to prove that Martin was black, which is to say, that he posed as much of a danger to Zimmerman and the community he guarded as Zimmerman supposed him to. White people are surrounded by angry, murderous blacks and the state does nothing to protect them; Zimmerman was like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike.Before he pulled the trigger, Zimmerman was a loser wannabe with a gun and a penchant for domestic violence. He would have been a martyr to political correctness had the trial not gone his way, now he has an opportunity to become a kind of homicidal Joe the Plumber. I doubt he'll make the most of it; he's not very charismatic or articulate and more to the point, he's facing years of civil litigation.Besides, Zimmerman really isn't the issue--it's Florida's systemic racism, as manifested in Sanford's police department, which took Zimmerman at his word at the scene of the crime and didn't get around to arresting him until outside pressure compelled them to. It's a state legal system that enables and even promotes vigilantism, that litigates a conception of self defense that is capacious enough to allow an armed man who provokes a fight with an unarmed youth to successfully claim self defense. But until a black adult shoots an unarmed white teenager and successfully defends himself on that basis in a Florida courtroom, the law is unlikely to face a serious challenge.And with the economy as precarious as it is and a GOP that is staking its future on securing an even larger share of white votes than it already has, those racial resentments aren't likely to go away either.