Trump is the Devil

index2Jelani Cobb had a great post on The New Yorker's website about Michael Cohen.What I love about it is this: "The hallmark of a great team leader is an ability to make his teammates play better; Trump has an uncanny ability to bring out the worst in those around him."It's not just uncanny, it's unarguably true, even if you are a Trump cultist. I mean, if Cohen is such a pathological liar, then why else did Trump keep him around for so long except to lie about him? Frankly, it's why Trump has restored my faith in religion--because I'm so sure he is the Devil. If this was the Twilight Zone, the camera would pull back to reveal the audience, and we would realize that we are all minor (and some of us major) characters in a morality play. If this was Dallas, James Madison would wake up from a nightmare and realize that he needed to rewrite Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution to better-specify "treason" and "high crimes."An impeachment bid will undoubtedly fail in the Senate and probably provoke a fatal political backlash. I can easily imagine Biden winning the nomination by arguing that left wing Democrats have gone too far, effectively handing 2020 to Trump. But how can Congress not impeach him? A day doesn't go by in which he doesn't commit three or four impeachable acts. Honestly, I don't think they have any choice. Which is also why I think he's the Devil.


I Surrender

